

I tell you about Japanese culture of OSECHIRYOURI.
I eat the OSECHIYORI in New Years.
We cook in New Years Eve. It’s very hard but, it’s very important.

I tell you about OSECHRYOURI.
There are a lot of menu in the three layer box.
It’s very delicious and beautiful.

OSECHRIYOURI was born Heiann Era.this is very old.
『OSECHIYOURI』 is culture that aetheling, warrior, brier hopper.

First layer box…appetizer
● 黒豆(kuromame)
● 数の子(kazunoko)
● 栗きんとん(kurikinntonn)
● 昆布巻き(konnbumaki)
● 紅白かまぼこ(kouhakukamaboko) ………etc

Second layer box…beautiful food
● 酢れんこん(vinegar rennkonn radish)
● ブリの照り焼き(burinoteriaki)
● 紅白なます(kouhakunamasu)
● 鶏肉の照り焼き(chickn teriyaki)      ………etc         

Third layer box…boiled vegetable
● くわい(kuwai)
● 金時にんじん(kinntoki carrot)
● たけのこ(bamboo shoot)
● 里芋(satoimo)
● 蓮根(rennkonn radish)
● 椎茸(shiitake mushroom) ………etc

Recently, there are a lot of people don’t cook the OSECHI.
I was sad to hear that. Because Japanese culture are disappearing
I hope everyone to cook OSECH. So, we want tell my children in the future.

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